Thursday, August 1, 2013

Annaghmore Portal Tomb

Annaghmore Portal Tomb is a small but very compact tomb, which can be found in its own neat little enclosure beside the road.
The tomb has two portal stones (one much taller than the other), two side stones and a back stone.

The Capstone is 2.2 meters in length and 2.1 meters in width (the roof of which has some very strange stone work), this all comes together to give the tomb a most unique look.   

My one concern for this site (my visit was early summer) is that it is being attacked by ivy in a few different spots, it would be such a shame if this tomb where to become overgrown as it has plenty of character.

The site is not signposted, but if your coming from the Longford direction take the R198 for Drumlish, clicking on the location/map tab will bring you to the tomb via Google street view.