Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Proleek Portal Tomb & Wedge Tomb

The well known Proleek Portal and Wedge Tomb have to be quite unique in that they are located on a golf course.

The super looking and impressive portal tomb rises to a height of 3.5 meters.
It's massive capstone is just under 4 meters in length and over 3 meters in width.
The capstone is said to weigh 35 tons.
The two front stones are over 2 meters in height.
The third stone has had a mixture of cement and smaller stones pasted onto it in an effort to stabilise the tomb - but it is done in a very crude way.

To reach the portal tomb you have to walk past the lesser known wedge tomb of proleek.
This great little tomb is over 6 meters in length and over 1 meter in width.
The slightly narrower end is covered by two roof stones.
This is a really well put together tomb which on it's own would be well worth seeking out.
So to get a super portal tomb so close by is very special.

Access - The two sites can be walked to from the car park of the Ballymacscanlan Hotel (just off the R173).
The pathway is signposted and the walk through the golf course to the sites takes about 10 minutes.