Monday, October 3, 2011

Cuchulains Stone

This really impressive stone stands alone on a slight rise in a large field. Standing at over three metres high and close to one and a half metres wide, this up close has a big wow factor. Some idiot has carved his name into the bottom of the stone  but it takes nothing away from this great site.
When i arrived at this site and started to make my way across the field i could not help but notice a lone raven atop of the stone (with about twenty flying around) very spooky.
Which probably had somthing to do with the below being fresh in my mind,
The History


  1. Lovely stone...would have been great if you had managed to get the raven in the shot.

  2. Pass the GPO most mornings on my way to work and always take a sidelong glance at the statue of Cuchulain, in which he is represented in all his deathly glory tethered to the above standing stone...raven perched upon his shoulder. Love your photograph by the way and prefer it without ravens. No Cuchulain, no ravens... Where abouts in Louth can the stone be found/

  3. Hi Tom,

    Sure is a very striking statue, you can find the site by clicking on the location tab (under the photo).

